On the occasion, we presented the project and made a collaborative mapping of existing mountain initiatives in the commune.
An entertaining and interesting fair was held on Tourism Day in Entrelagos, Puyehue. Among various stands and people linked to the tourism and environmental fields, we were able to meet almost thirty projects that are directly linked to the territory that frames our Natural Laboratory.
For example, the
Tourism and environment workshop
The Futañil Rural School, which teaches climbing, as well as knowledge about flora and fauna. O the Collaboration and project support agreement between CONAF and Club Deportivo Andino Futañil.
CONAF also carries out initiatives such as the
Cordon Caulle volcano monitoring.
And the researcher of the Universidad de Los Lagos, Norma Fuentes, is investigating water courses and vegetation recovery.
researches water courses and vegetation recovery.
We thank all those who shared their experiences with our Natural Laboratory!