The meeting was held at Lodge Kod Kod, a meeting place near Pucón. There they shared impressions, experiences, and projected the work to be done in the following months.

On May 19 and 20, the first meeting of researchers of the Andes Natural Laboratory of Southern Chile was held to present the progress of the project, discuss its main conceptual aspects and build a common vision for the development of upcoming activities.

The researchers who are part of this Natural Laboratory have a particular experience in this territory, which is based on their disciplinary approaches and their link with the territory. It is therefore important that everyone contributes with their experiences in order to create a transdicipinary map of what is happening in the mountainous areas of the Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions.

The Andes Natural Laboratory of Southern Chile has the following objectives “To strengthen and promote knowledge, frontier research, intercultural valuation and conservation of the mountain territories of southern Chile through a socio-ecological, inter- and transdisciplinary approach that will generate cutting-edge science for the country and the world, with an impact on local development”.

The meeting was the first step in the construction of a platform for researchers and knowledge of the southern mountains.

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Program First Nat Andes del Sur Lab Researchers Meeting