General Objective

Strengthen and promote knowledge, frontier research, intercultural valuation and conservation of the mountain territories of southern Chile through a socio-ecological, inter- and trans-disciplinary approach that will generate cutting-edge science for the country and the world, with an impact on local development.

Specific Objectives

– To deepen the knowledge of the biophysical and social heritages, dynamics and processes that develop in this territory, identifying thematic areas and gaps.

– Identify the phenomena associated with global change that occur in mountain territories and analyze their consequences for human well-being.

– Promote a governance of CTCI ecosystem actors that allows the inclusion and articulation of the particularities of the LN MAS-Chile in local economic development proposals.

– Develop a methodology to include the particularities of the LN MAS-Chile in proposals to trigger economic and social development opportunities at the local level.


  • Diagnosis of the characterization of existing thematic laboratories in the MAS-Chile LN: details aspects of the current situation of the regions involved for the implementation of the LN (i.e. strategies, sectorial policies, plans, etc., that promote the development of scientific capabilities in Chile and in the macro-zone). Description of actors in the CTCI macro-zonal ecosystem.

  • Diagnosis and baseline of current and emerging research capacities of the MAS-Chile LN: identifies working groups and topics addressed in the thematic LNs, a bibliometric study of relevant academic production (last 10 years) is carried out and potential actors, institutions and international research networks in topics related to the LN are identified.

  • Cadastre of elements, infrastructure and services for the work in the LN MAS-Chile: the facilitating elements for the implementation of the LN MAS-Chile are identified and characterized.

  • Stakeholder mapping: identifies relevant people and organizations for LN implementation. Input for the governance model and for the design of the key stakeholder articulation strategy.

  • Participatory mapping “Governance of the MAS-Chile LN”: integrated mapping of the main actors, issues, infrastructure and capacities installed in the MAS-Chile LN; input for the development of a participation and ownership strategy.

  • Participatory Roadmap of the MAS-Chile LN: Detailed program to achieve the short, medium and long term implementation and operation of the LN.



Partner Institutions

Other Laboratories