Chile’s Andes Natural Laboratory advances in articulation with public organizations to coordinate work agendas
We held a meeting with the SEREMI of the Environment of the Los Ríos Region, Alberto Tacón, to learn first-hand about the technical aspects that the SEREMI is developing in the region and that are related to our work at the Natural Laboratory.
Laboratorio Natural Andes del Sur de Chile avanza en articulación con organismos públicos para coordinar agendas de trabajo
Sostuvimos una reunión con el SEREMI de Medio Ambiente de la Región de Los Ríos, Alberto Tacón, para conocer de primera fuente cuáles son aquellos aspectos técnicos que la Seremía está desarrollando en la región y que tienen relación con nuestro trabajo en el Laboratorio Natural.
Natural Laboratory was awarded a project funded by the Department of Outreach of the UACh
"The mountain has memory: Rescuing knowledge and wisdom to promote environmental education", is the name of the project that we will execute during the next 6 months, thanks to funding from the VCM Department of the Universidad Austral.