Andes del Sur Natural Mountain Laboratory came to Osorno to explain the project and invite researchers from the Los Lagos region to participate and map scientific initiatives.
The open meeting was held on Friday, July 1 at the Center for Regional Development and Public Policy Studies (CEDER) of the Universidad de Los Lagos.
The main focus of the meeting held in the city of Osorno was to publicize the Natural Mountain Laboratory project and exchange information on existing initiatives in the territories of the Southern Andes.
This talk is part of all the open calls that the Andes Natural Laboratory of Southern Chile is carrying out, to present the project and execute collaborative mappings that help to identify existing scientific initiatives. in the mountain territories of the Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions.
Carla Marchant, director of the project, explained to the attendees the bases on which the laboratory is based, detailing each of the 3 lines of research. He also shared the mission and vision of the Natural Laboratory with attendees and explained the project’s challenge for this first year of operation.
After the presentation, the attendees contributed with different initiatives that they know or that they themselves are implementing, so that more than 10 new initiatives were added to the registry .
The idea is to hold these meetings of researchers in each of the regions, in order to disseminate the results of the scientific knowledge that is currently being developed in the mountains in a second stage of the project.