At the end of May, the prestigious Nature Magazine published a letter written by researchers from the Andes del Sur Natural Mountain Laboratory in Chile. Tomás Ibarra, principal investigator of the initiative, Carla Marchant, director of the project and academic of the Faculty of Sciences UACh, and Julián Caviedes researcher at the University of Barcelona, were its drafters.

The text calls to resume the discussion on the creation of a National Policy for the Sustainable Use of Mountains in Chile, with a participatory approach, where communities work together with the public sector, but also with actors from the private sector, academia, industry, with a view to a more sustainable management of these territories.

“We call for the strengthening of transdisciplinary research and concerted action by all stakeholders to address the complex factors responsible for the degradation of our country’s mountains. Chile’s mountains cover 64% of the national surface and are a crucial source of water, food, energy, minerals and biodiversity” is part of what the text says.

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