The open meeting was held on Thursday, June 30 at the Hugo Campos Auditorium of the Faculty of Sciences.

The call was made to publicize the Andes del Sur Natural Laboratory project and to map existing research initiatives in the mountain territories of southern Chile. The meeting was attended by more than 20 people, including academics and undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral students.

Carla Marchant, director of the project, explained to the attendees the bases on which the laboratory is based, detailing each of the 3 lines of research: Climate Change: Interactions between forest, soil and water resources”, “Evolution and geological heritage”, and “Ways of life and mountain habitation”, and also explained the challenge posed by the project for this first year of operation.

The idea is to detect all those scientific initiatives that are linked to the mountain territories of the Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions, in order to make a transdisciplinary mapping that updates the state of the art of scientific production in the mountains.

After the presentation, the attendees contributed with different initiatives that they know or that they themselves are implementing, so that almost 30 new initiatives were gathered to swell the cadastre that is under construction .

The idea is to hold these meetings in each of the three regions that make up the Natural Laboratory, in order to unveil the main lines of research existing in the southern mountains.